Who we surround ourselves with, determines how we progress through life. The bonds we form with others have a huge impact on our mental, emotional, spiritual, and financial well-being. Even when that bond is toxic, draining, abusive, oppressive, or deceptive, it can be difficult to cut ties and move on. This is why this work is so important.
Cord Cuttings sever the energetic tie that binds you to others. Allowing for the healing process to begin free of their energetic influence. This service is a very powerful working and shouldn't be done unless you are truly ready to remove someone from your life permanently!
Cord Cuttings can also be used for personal issues as well, toxic ties to behavior patterns, ways of thinking, or even habits.
When you are ready to truly walk away from the ties that bind you, this spell will break the chains so you can move into new horizons.
My cord-cutting service includes a tarot reading to assess your situation, and protection working to help you deal with any fallout from severe heavy emotional ties.
If you are ready to let them go, this spell is a great place to start!