First Of The Month Money Spell💵🍀✨

First Of The Month Money Spell💵🍀✨

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We are starting this year with a Money Road Opening Ceremony to clear financial blockages and open the doors to prosperity! I will be casting this on a Thursday (Jupiter Day) and include additional rituals to enhance our standard work. This will take place virtual on January 16th at 8:30pm PST


At the beginning of each month, many practitioners of magic and witches engage in rituals to cleanse their altars, purify their surroundings with herbal waters, or ignite candles to attract prosperity for the upcoming 30-day cycle. However, for those of us with hectic schedules or limitations on openly practicing money spells consistently, participation might be challenging. Whether you find yourself financially strained at the start of each month, seek gradual improvement in your financial circumstances with added magical assistance, or wonder why your money spells seem less effective than everyone else who is blowing cinnamon through their front doors, I've got you covered!🍀💵🥂

Introducing an accessible and affordable monthly money ritual, cast on the first of each month to ensure a continuous flow of prosperity and abundance into your life. You can even subscribe monthly to ensure the ongoing energetic support you need. Even if you already have your own rituals in place, this money spell will complement your practices, enhancing your manifestation abilities and bolstering your overall success in attracting the wealth you desire! 

This month we are including a Pluto Power Working with this ritual! Don't miss out!✨ Pluto is the planet of wealth, power, secrets, mystery, death, transformation, and shadow journeys. As it enters the sign of Aquarius, we will see epic transformations in how we create prosperity in our reality. By calling in the blessings of Pluto we prepare ourselves for the gifts this transit will bestow for the next 20 years.


Enroll now to participate in the January 16th Money Ritual!

Ritual is performed Live On Zoom at 8:30pm PST!

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